King Harvest is a medicinal CBD and health e-commerce and consulting company that faced several challenges with their website design, user experience (UX), and growth strategy. They struggled to establish a clear direction for the look and feel of their website and had trouble putting in place good UX. Additionally, they had no defined strategy in place to drive website growth.
To overcome these challenges, King Harvest turned to Aiminity. With Aiminity’s expertise in website design, SEO, and technical implementations, King Harvest was able to transform their website and drive significant growth for their business.
Before working with Aiminity, King Harvest’s website had some areas that could be improved. The design was in need of an update and did not have a consistent aesthetic throughout, which made it harder for visitors to navigate and find the information they were looking for. Additionally, the website’s user experience could be improved, which resulted in a high bounce rate and a lack of engagement from visitors. While these issues presented challenges for King Harvest, as their website is a crucial part of their business, serving as the primary point of contact for potential customers.
Furthermore, King Harvest had no clear strategy to drive website growth, they lacked a solid SEO plan and didn’t have clear marketing efforts to attract new visitors to the website. As a result, the website’s traffic was not growing as quickly as they would’ve liked, and the company struggled to increase its online sales. With their website not meeting the needs of their business, King Harvest knew they needed professional help to turn things around.
The Solution
To help King Harvest overcome their website challenges, Aiminity implemented a number of solutions that were tailored to their specific needs.
First, Aiminity worked with King Harvest to create a cohesive and visually appealing website design that was easy to navigate. This meant changing the layout, color scheme, and overall look of the website to make it look more modern and professional. The new design was optimized for desktop and mobile devices, ensuring that visitors would have a positive experience regardless of how they accessed the website.
In addition to the design update, Aiminity helped King Harvest share more educational content with their visitors. This included blog posts, infographics, and videos that provided valuable information about medicinal CBD and the products that King Harvest offered. By putting out this kind of content, King Harvest was able to get more people to visit their website and get their attention. This, in turn, helped them increase the number of sales they made.
Finally, Aiminity implemented technical solutions to improve SEO and drive website growth over time. This meant improving the website’s meta tags and putting in place advanced tracking and analytics tools to track how well the website was doing. These actions helped King Harvest’s website rank higher in search engine results, making it more visible and bringing in more traffic from search engines.
The Results
Because of the work of Aiminity and King Harvest, their website and business grew in a big way. The key results they achieved are:
- 150% increase in orders placed.
- 105% increase in revenue.
- 169% increase in individual product sales.
These results are a testament to the effectiveness of Aiminity’s approach in driving website growth for King Harvest. Aiminity was able to get visitors to spend more time on King Harvest’s website and boost sales by making the design consistent and easy to use, adding useful educational content, and implementing technical solutions. The number of orders, revenue, and sales of each product all went up shows that King Harvest’s website was able to bring in and keep more customers.
Aiminity’s efforts also helped King Harvest’s website rank higher in search engine results, increasing visibility and driving more organic traffic. This helped King Harvest reach a wider audience and expand their customer base. The better SEO also helped King Harvest make their brand known in the medicinal CBD and health industry as a reliable source of information.
In conclusion, Aiminity’s expertise in website design and marketing strategy helped change King Harvest’s website. By creating a cohesive and user-friendly design, providing valuable educational content, and implementing technical solutions, Aiminity was able to drive significant growth for King Harvest. As a result, the number of orders placed with King Harvest went up by 150%, its revenue went up by 105%, and sales of each product went up by 169%.
It’s worth mentioning that Aiminity and King Harvest have continued their partnership and are still working together to improve King Harvest’s online presence and drive even more growth. This is a testament to the success of their initial collaboration and the value that Aiminity brings to King Harvest’s business.
Additionally, special mention goes to Paul, the marketing specialist who has aided this collaboration. His leadership and dedication were instrumental in the project’s success and the positive results achieved by King Harvest. The same goes for Lee and Bridget as well! We thank you all!